The profound effects of Tui Na Medical Massage on patients managing Cystic Fibrosis are priceless.


The profound effects of Tui Na Medical Massage on patients managing Cystic Fibrosis are priceless and heartwarming. The profound effects of Tui Na Medical Massage on patients managing Cystic Fibrosis are priceless and heartwarming. When parents find the support they have been looking for, not only are Tui Na techniques performed in the office, but methods are shared to take home. Children respond to massage therapy very well and are highly receptive and the best to work with.

#CFAwareness #TuiNaMedicalMassageTherapy #FamilySupport #ChildrenTherapy #HolisticMethods #InclusiveLifeStyle
#BeKind #BePresent #BeInclusive @nicolewithinclusive


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