Japanese Hot Oil Massage | Relaxing Massage | ホットオイルマッサージ | リラックスマッサージ #massage #relaxing


Japanese Hot Oil Massage | Relaxing Massage |ホットオイルマッサージ | リラックスマッサージ #massage #relaxing #japanesemassage
Hot oil massage is a traditional technique where warm oil is applied to the skin and massaged gently to relax muscles, reduce tension, improve blood circulation, and promote mental relaxation. It utilizes natural oils like grapeseed, coconut, almond, or sunflower oil heated to a comfortable temperature. Benefits include stress relief, muscle relaxation, improved circulation, pain and inflammation reduction, skin moisturization, and stimulation of the nervous system. It’s often combined with other massage techniques like Swedish, Shiatsu, or Thai massage for enhanced therapeutic effects. Choosing the right oil for your skin type and personal preference is essential for a great experience.


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